The Sport of Monarchs *
Flat Caps & Ferrets is suitable for any event, no matter the size and is a great fund-raiser as well as providing great entertainment.

The sport of ferret racing traces its origins to the USA, where ferrets were used to haul light lines through gas pipes being laid across the deserts.
Once these lines were through, heavier lines were hauled through on them, and then trolleys with cameras mounted on them were hauled through, allowing the engineers to inspect the welds.

At the end of long, hard days, the men working on the pipeline would race ferrets through sections of pipe, taking bets on which one would emerge first.
When British ferreters got hold of the idea in the early 1980s, they tweaked it, and Flat Caps & Ferrets has developed this even further, taking the sport to a quite sophisticated level.

All of our equipment is purpose made, and extremely effective. Every Flat Caps & Ferrets event is slick and professional, and everyone will have a great time. Go Ferret!
Read more about Ferret Racing or discover the game of Ferret Roulette...
Contact Us to discuss your needs.
Fund Raising
A race night is a great way to raise funds, and having live ferrets in a Flat Caps & Ferrets event instead of the usual videos/DVDs of horse or dog races, adds something extra, making the whole evening different
Corporate Events
For corporate entertainment, team building & away days and a fun way to entertain and motivate your company staff team look no further than Flat Caps & Ferrets
Public Displays
At country fairs, fetes and other events, ferret racing provides an attraction and a huge amount of interest combined with much FUN!
* If you’re wondering why we use the term "Sport of Monarchs"; throughout the Middle Ages and beyond, ferret ownership was very tightly controlled.
Only royalty, the clergy and landed gentry were allowed to keep these animals, as they were used for hunting conies (rabbits), and the upper classes feared poaching by ferret owners.
In case you still doubt that royalty would ever own a ferret, take a trip to Hatfield House, Hertfordshire and there you will see a contemporary painting of Good Queen Bess (Queen Elizabeth I). Her Majesty is sitting on her throne and, on her left arm, complete with collar and leash, is a ferret. (There’s also a copy of the painting at the Royal Armouries, Leeds).